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Bewerbungsphase: 15.02. – 26.03.2024

  • Start des Programms 08.04.2024
  • Ende des Programms: 30.06.2024
  • Anzahl geförderteter Gründungsteams: 10-12
  • Zeitaufwand: Es wird erwartet, dass jede*r Gründer*in ca. 20 Stunden die Woche an der Idee arbeitet.
  • Ort: Die Feedback Days und das Coworking finden größtenteils in Lüneburg statt.
  • Veranstaltungsformat: Ihr bekommt die Videoinputs online über Moodle zur Verfügung gestellt und könnt die daraufhin erarbeiteten Inhalte bei den Feedback Days in präsenz mit den Expert*innen besprechen.
  • Kosten: Kostenlos
  • Gruppenmitglieder: Es können maximal 3 Personen pro Team an dem Programm teilnehmen.
  • Einzelgründende haben ebenfalls die Möglichkeit sich zu bewerben. 

Bei weiteren Fragen kontaktier uns per Mail unter

The application process in short:

1. Take a max. 2 min pitch video.

2. Fill out the application form and send the video to (one per team, Deadline 26.03.24).

3. Fill out the short survey that we send to you per email once you have completed the application (every team member individually, Deadline 27.03.24).

4. Keep some free time on the 27th of March in case we invite you for a short video interview.

5. Celebrate your HOLII 2024 participation on the 28th of March.

The application process in long:

The application consists of three steps. In the first step, we ask you to fill out the application form below (which includes sending a max. 2 min pitch video to The application deadline to fill out this form (incl. video) is the 26th of March 2024. Once you have completed the application form, we will send you, in a second step, a link to an online survey. This survey is for evaluation purposes only, but needs to be filled out by every team member until the 27th of March 2024 to complete the application. Only if all team members have completed the survey, your team will be considered for HOLII 2024.

In the third step (which will only be relevant for a few teams), we invite pre-selected teams for a 30 min video interview. The interviews will take place on the 27th of March 2024. But do not worry if you are not invited – we will only invite teams where we see further need for clarification but still the potential to take part in HOLII 2024.
You will receive feedback on your application by the 28th of March 2024.

For the application form you can already think of answers to the following questions: 

  • Which societal problem(s) do you address with your idea? (max. 250 words)
  • What is your impactful idea and how does it address the problem? (max. 250 words)

  • Why do you want to found an impact business with that idea? What is your motivation as individuals and as a team? (max. 250 words)

  • What makes your idea different from existing solutions? (max. 250 words)

  • To which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) does your idea contribute? (Please name one major SDG and max. 2 minor SDGs)

  • Do you plan to become financially self-sustainable with your idea? If yes, please describe your ideas on how you can generate revenue with your idea! (max. 250 words)

  • What are your next steps? (max. 250 words, you can use keywords)
  • What challenges are you currently facing? Where do you need support? (max. 250 words, you can use keywords)

  • What are your expectations for this application? (max. 250 words, you can use keywords)

For the pitch video we ask you to pitch your idea in maximum 120 seconds. The format is completely up to you. For us, the purpose is to get a more personal impression of you as the founding team.


Hinweis: Der Daten-Upload, kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Nach dem vollständigen Senden, öffnet sich ein Popup-Fenster.

We evaluate your application with regard to two overarching questions that are covered through eight concrete dimensions.

1. Is the idea relevant, innovative and scalable?
2. Do we trust the team to execute the idea well?

The concrete eight dimensions are:

  • – Relevance and size of the addressed problem
  • – Idea-problem-fit
  • – Differentiation from existing alternatives
  • – Business model quality 
  • – Scalability of the idea
  • – Team quality and team-idea-fit
  • – Coherence of the founding motivation
  • – Overall formal impression of the application
